

从实习, 志愿者工作, 妊娠危机中心, 为智障人士提供的设施, 监狱, 私人执业, Faith has worked in a variety of fields related to mental health over the last four years. 自从她搬回尼斯维尔的老家后, 佛罗里达, 她曾就职于Bridgeway Center Inc .. 作为唯一获得认证的儿童行为健康案例经理(CCBHCM). 2023年4月,她被Bridgeway评为月度最佳员工. “在我的工作中,我接待了20个孩子和家庭. 我的工作包括与孩子们和他们的家庭见面, 管理不同评核尺度, 评估他们的需求, 并协助他们寻找合适的资源和服务,费思说。. She admits that much of her caseload involves children who recently attempted suicide once or multiple times. 对于这些更严重的情况, 她与整个佛罗里达州的团队成员召开会议, 提倡为住宅和门诊设施提供服务, and submits all clinical documents to the Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program. 根据信仰, “After the children and families have successfully been set up with services and their mental health and well-being have improved, they are reassessed and discharged from services so that the next family is able to receive the help they need.”

除了她在Bridgeway的职业生涯, 在过去的十年里, Faith也在她父亲的公司工作, 戴维船长娱乐公司, 作为孩子们的美人鱼和海盗表演者. For the past two years, she has also been the caretaker for a developmentally disabled adolescent. 信心说, “Working with an individual that is intellectually disabled has allowed me the opportunity to practice Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy, 这扩展了我的知识和经验.”

当被问及她目前的工作如何为神的旨意服务时, 她说, “I get the opportunity to honor God every day by reflecting His image to my supervisors, 同事, 和客户. 我现在的工作让我每天都要接触到受伤的人, 当我试着服侍主的时候,我提醒自己, 我能在最坏的情况下做到最好.” Faith emphasizes that for Christians there is joy in knowing that they are not just showing up for work every day, but that they are serving Christ faithfully and carrying out His greater purpose through the little and big interactions they have with others. “这个世界上有很多破碎, 基督给了我们基督徒帮助修补那些受伤的身体的能力, 心, 思想, 和灵魂. 耶稣是一位顾问的完美典范, and the Bible gives us so many tools and instructions on how to care for one another. Allowing Christ to be a part of your daily routine allows you to feel more confident in the work you are doing and gives you strength for when the days are tough,费思说。.

Faith把这归功于她在佛罗里达浸会大学(BUF)的训练。, for helping her to develop the skills and qualities that she needed to learn and think. “而BUF通过我的课程为我做准备, it also provided me with real-world application that I could bring into the workforce,费思说。. 就像大学的许多项目一样, there are multiple opportunities for students to participate in the community through campus activities, 社交活动, 志愿者工作, 和实习, which help students to expand their skills and apply the knowledge that is being taught in the classroom. Faith notes that her final semester at BUF was where she did the most hands-on work to prepare for entering the workforce. 菲丝的实习是在阿拉巴马州多森市的怀尔格拉斯希望怀孕中心. It was through this experience that she was able to counsel women and adolescents who had unexpected pregnancies, 和他们一起回顾视频和发展课程, 看着他们进入产后项目继续接受支持.

Faith相信她在BUF的课程对她的成长很有帮助. “在课堂上, we were able to have open discussions on which psychologists and theories we preferred and why and how we would implement different therapeutic approaches into our future work. We also were able to take the knowledge and techniques we learned and practice them on each other in group and paired projects. 我最喜欢的课程是互动式的. 作为学生,我们被迫离开自己的舒适区. The professors even fostered interaction in the online classes with other students. 特别是, 这帮助我建立了人际关系, 分享我的经验和喜好, 在如何练习和运用所学技能方面要更有信心. 在毕业前, we had to complete a professional resume which helped us use our skills and creative abilities to craft a resume that we felt confident about taking into an interview,费思说。.

根据信仰, her professors at BUF were an influential component in her growth as a student and now, 作为专业人士. 她把这归功于博士。. Ford, Gardner, and Hardin for working hard to ensure that students understood the material. 从他们的工作故事到了解每个学生, 我的教授们真的很出色. 在思考教授和学生之间的关系时, 教授们有意建立信任. In my opinion, this level of personal care kept students motivated and excited about their future. This also created an environment where students felt safe to go to their professors about any problem, 无论是学术上的还是个人的. 教授们总是在那里提供指导和祈祷,”费思说.

Faith跟随父亲的脚步来到BUF. 她的父亲大卫·杜瓦尔(David DuVall)于1995年至1999年在这里接受高等教育, and he came back to visit Faith during orientation and on her first day of class. 与兴奋, 信心说, “听他讲述他在学校的经历很酷, 让教过他的教授来教他, and to go through my course work and discuss with him how things have advanced and to get his perspective on therapeutic approaches and how to help others.Faith的父亲是一位牧师和辅导员. 她说:“他一直是我成长过程中最好的榜样和灵感. 我很感激能和他一起练习, 向他学习, 看着他帮助这么多人.”

在BUF, Faith had the opportunity to attend the 2019 American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) World Conference in Nashville, 田纳西州. “我很荣幸能见到蒂姆·克林顿, AACC主席,也是我最喜欢的作家之一, and I had the privilege of listening to some incredible speakers like Sheila Walsh, 黛安娜清除, 格雷格·劳里, 和更多的. I was able to choose the track presentations I was interested in attending and got to visit the Resource Center in my free time to learn about different facilities, 教堂, 大学, 支持中心, and ministries around the world that serve the purpose of God through the field of mental health,费思说。. 这是她作为学生最难忘的时刻之一.

以Faith结束我们的时间, she wants current BUF students not to focus too much on the end result but rather to enjoy the total university [BUF] experience and take it one day at a time. 她说:“当你到达终点时,你就准备好迈出下一步了. 如果你对某件事充满激情,那就去做. Do not be afraid to make mistakes because that is when you will learn the most about yourself, 培养你的性格, 获得经验. 遇到困难时,不要妥协或放弃. 你只会后悔你没有抓住的机会.” As a counselor, she also emphasizes the importance of everyone’s mental health. “把心理和精神健康放在首位. Life is guaranteed to get difficult sometimes, and as Christians we are called to help others. 我们不能帮助别人,除非我们在精神上和精神上都适合这样做. Make sure to put your time with God at the start of every day; you will see that it makes a difference in how you walk through life,费思说。.

Please consider making a commitment to pray for Faith’s next steps as she seeks furthering her education and advancing in her work. Specifically, pray about where the Lord wants her and how He can use her now and in the future. Pray also for doors to open where she can serve in areas that are passionate to her heart.

发布的 JJ躺 at 13:57


